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Root Development in Plant Cuttings


I have tried to grow fig cuttings three times: the first one was a hundred percent success (2/2 cuttings) whereas the second and the third times were less than fifty percent success, and now currently on the fourth attempt.

During the second and third attempts, I varied with the water levels and noticed that roots that developed on the cuttings were clustered near the water surface.

The blue line indicates water level.
Note that the roots developed near the water surface.

A study by Zimmerman (1930) showed similar observation, relating the importance of oxygen for root development in cuttings, albeit certain species requires more oxygen than others. Oxygen is needed for plant respiration, to convert food storage in the cuttings into energy needed for root development whereas deprived of oxygen led to cell decayed. Oxygen is deprived when the water is too deep. For this reason, it is recommended to change water everyday to maximize oxygen availability in the water. 



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Ketumbar Jawa (Eryngium foetidum)

Sudah lama penulis membaca perkongsian rakan-rakan lelaman Facebok tentang tanaman ketumbar jawa. Awal januari lalu, semasa membeli-belah di pasar tani 😉, penulis ternampak pokok ketumbar jawa yang dijual, tanpa berfikir panjang 😝, penulis pun membelilah (jangan tanya harga, dah lupa 😁). Pokok ketumbar jawa penulis sudah berbunga. Ketumbar Jawa, atau nama saintifiknya Eryngium foetidum  merupakan tanaman herba tropikal yang bersifat perennial i.e. mempunyai jangka hayat yang lama. Namun begitu, ia boleh menjadi tanaman  annual  i.e. mempunyai jangka hayat kurang atau besamaan dengan 1 tahun sekiranya ia menerima pancaran cahaya matahari yang menyebabkan proses bolting  (penjelasan lanjut dibawah). Tanaman ini berasal dari Mexico dan Amerika Selatan namun pada hari ini, ia telah ditanam secara meluas, termasuk Malaysia. Nama ketumbar jawa ( culantro ) adakalanya dikelirukan dengan daun ketumbar ( cilantro , juga dikenali dengan nama coriander . Dari istilah culinary  i.e.